Active Release Technique in Old Saybrook

Active Release Techniques® (ART®) is a patented, soft tissue system that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. It is the most advanced and specific form of treatment for most forms of soft tissue injuries. In fact, a full body certified Active Release provider must learn unique protocols for over 300 different muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Active Release Techniques® also holds the “miracle cure” for peripheral nerve entrapments by utilizing the Long Tract Nerve Entrapment Protocols. In recent years, Active Release Techniques® has become the “Gold Standard” for soft tissue treatments and for that reason it has become the “treatment of choice” for world-class athletes from around the world. The success of the treatment speaks for itself.
Active Release Techniques® is also an effective tool in treatment of soft tissue injuries suffered by non-athletes; many times yielding dramatic results with in a short duration of treatment. Sometimes complete resolution can be found in as little as 4-6 sessions. ART® works primarily to eliminate scar tissue build-up from within soft tissue structures. For example, with overuse injuries, although there is no single noticeable event that causes a muscles tear, small tears occur over the course of a long period of time. The body naturally heals these tears by using fibrous scar tissue. The problem with scar tissue is that the body creates it in an unorganized, haphazard fashion, causing various adjacent structures to stick together. Active Release Techniques® has proven itself to be efficient at “unsticking” these muscles and releasing scar tissue. For this reason, many ART® providers can claim success rates upward to 90% in patients who have not found success from any other therapies.
What is considered a soft tissue injury?
Almost all injuries are primarily soft tissue in origin, with a bony component that follows. Here is a condensed list of some of the more common injuries which can successfully be treated with Active Release Techniques®: Achilles Tendonitis, Ankle Injuries, Back Pain, Compartment Syndrome, De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis, Foot Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis), Golfer’s Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Hand Injuries, Headaches, Hip Pain, Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band Syndrome), Knee Pain, Leg Injuries, Neck Pain, Repetitive Strain Injuries (Cumulative Trauma Disorders), Rotator Cuff Syndrome, Running Injuries, Shin Splints, Shoulder Pain, Tendonitis, Throwing Injuries, TMJ, Whiplash and Wrist Injuries
What is a peripheral nerve entrapment?
A peripheral nerve entrapment is a nerve that is stuck within soft tissue outside the central nervous system (i.e.: the brain and spinal cord). Many times a peripheral nerve entrapment is misdiagnosed as something more severe, such as a disc herniation, however frequently this is not the primary cause. Many times the ART Long Tract Nerve Entrapment Protocols will resolve conditions with a “walk-in diagnosis” such as: Disc Herniations, Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Cervical Brachial Syndrome, Radial Nerve Entrapments (Radial Tunnel Syndrome), Ulnar Nerve Entrapments (Handle Bar Palsy), Grip Weakness, and Femoral Nerve Entrapments. This list can go on and on but the common symptoms that present in peripheral nerve entrapments are: shooting pain, numbing, tingling, and loss of strength. Although many of these conditions can be resolved with Active Release Techniques®, there is a slight possibility there is a serious underlying cause.
Who uses Active Release Techniques®?
Many people have come to know the effectiveness of Active Release Techniques®, including a number of famous people and sports teams: Actor Danny Glover, Gary Roberts (NHL Forward, North Carolina Hurricanes), Milos Sarcev (Mr. Universe 1989), The Denver Broncos, Seattle Seahawks, Atlanta Falcons, San Diego Chargers, Philadelphia Eagles (as well as most NFL teams), Bill Romanowski (NFL Player), The Toronto Raptors, The LA Lakers (and a number of other NBA teams), Anaheim Ducks (as well as most NHL teams), Majority of the Ultimate and MMA (mixed martial arts) Fighters, Numerous Olympic Medalists, such as Donovan Bailey and behind the scenes at “Dancing with the Stars.”
What does Active Release Techniques® feel like?
Treatment can be uncomfortable at times, during the process of breaking up adhesions but this pain will subside immediately after completion of a treatment session. It is not uncommon to experience a duplication of symptoms during the treatment as well; this is a good sign indicating the primary cause has been identified. Often times it is described as a “Good Hurt.” Active Release Techniques® is non-invasive, very safe, has virtually no side effects, and has a record of producing very good results. It is common to experience a “different kind of soreness” for about 48 hours.
The History of Active Release Techniques®
Dr Michael Leahy, a Doctor of Chiropractic, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, developed Active Release Techniques® (ART®). Prior to becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Leahy was an aeronautical engineer. Combining his engineering background, with his knowledge of human anatomy and soft-tissue treatment methodologies, Dr. Leahy formulated a unique and effective approach for dealing with soft-tissue injuries, now known as Active Release Techniques® or ART®.
For more on Active Release Techniques® please visit:
Chiropractic and ART®
This section will provide you with information about the following:
- Chiropractic and Active Release Techniques® (ART®): How together they provide COMPLETE and effective treatment for musculoskeletal injuries.
- What make ART® doctors so special when it comes to difficult injuries that usually end up with surgery
- Who uses ART® and why
If you have been to a chiropractor, you probably know that different chiropractors vary in the types of treatments they give. The on-going joke is “if you see a chiropractor once you will have to go back forever,” however, this depends on the chiropractor.
Many good ones can relieve your pain within a few treatments.
What does an Active Release Techniques® (ART®) provider do?
An Active Release Techniques® provider is someone who has the abilities to address any soft tissue injury, in regards to the muscular component. Often this is a critical, yet overlooked aspect of an injury.
In almost all injuries, a fair amount of scar tissue can be built up in the muscles and ligaments, causing tightness and pain within the muscles. In many cases of neurological symptoms (like numbness and tingling into the arms or leg) this increase in muscle tightness can also cause entrapment of nerves. This is what happens with carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica and thoracic outlet syndrome. While you can literally find a chiropractor on any street corner; there are only about 20 or 30 in Connecticut.
Most people have not heard about ART®, but it is rather popular in the world of professional sports. Nearly all NFL, NHL, and NBA teams have an ART provider for their players. Many Olympic Medalists and Mixed Martial Artists have also used ART® to enhance performance, as well as decrease pain from previous injuries and over training. If it works for the people who put their bodies to the test everyday, it will most likely work for you.
Why chiropractic and ART® TOGETHER are highly effective.
With every injury there are 2 equally important aspects of the injury: the joint and the surrounding soft tissues.As described before, chiropractors address the bony/ joint aspects of an injury very well and an Active Release Techniques® provider is the best when it comes to the soft tissue component. Together chiropractic and Active Release Techniques® are able to fix both aspects of an injury. This is what you really need to optimize healing.
If you have not reached a significant improvement within 3-4 treatments, there is a chance your injury is something that we cannot fix and you will be referred out to someone who can help. We don’t want to waste your time or money. We only want to help you as fast as we can.
Why is Active Release Techniques® (ART®) considered an alternative to surgery?
ART® has saved many people from having surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, spinal disc herniation, sciatica, shoulder problems and knee pain mainly because patients with ongoing pain are given the surgery option as a last resort. This is not to say there are not people who really do need surgery, but many patients have unnecessary surgeries. ART® doctors can correctly identify the problem and correct it in a short amount of time. As stated before, if you do not feel a significant change in your pain within 3-4 treatments, we will refer you elsewhere.
Why not give ART® a try and save yourself the months of rehab and disability after surgery?
If you’re tired of living in pain and different forms of care haven’t worked, why not give an ART® doctor a try. Many times it’s a last resort for patients just before having a surgery, but why not fix the problem before it gets that far. You’ll be glad you did!
This is a partial list of the conditions Connaughty Chiropractic Center has been successful in treating.
- Arthritis
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Ankle injuries
- Back pain/injuries
- Bicipital tendonitis
- Bunions
- Bursitis
- Bulging Disc
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cervicobrachial Syndrome
- Compartment Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Cumulative Trauma injuries
- De Quervains’s Tenosynovitis
- Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Disc Herniation
- Foot pain/injury
- Finger Injuries
- Frozen shoulder
- Golfers elbow (Tendonitis)
- Gait imbalances
- Hammer toes
- Hand injuries
- Headaches
- Heel Spurs
- Hip pain
- Ilio Tibial (IT) Band syndrome
- Impingement syndromes
- Joint dysfunctions
- Knee Meniscus injuries
- Knee pain
- Lateral Epicondylitis
- Medial Epicondylitis
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle pulls or strains
- Myofascitis
- Neck pain
- Nerve Entrapment
- Patellar Tendonitis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Post surgical treatment
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Rib pain
- Rotator Cuff Syndrome
- Scar tissue formation
- Sciatica
- Shin splints
- Shoulder pain
- Swimmers shoulder
- Tendonitis
- Tennis Elbow
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Throwing injuries
- Torticollis
- Weight lifting injuries
- Whiplash
- Wrist injuries
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Connaughty Chiropractic Center
142 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Call or Text: (860) 388-1654